CAT: Oh, your pants. PERSON: Nope, it's not my pants! CAT: Hmm. Oh, is it this rug? PERSON: Nope! CAT: Oh, come on! PERSON: It's not the rug. CAT: You're kidding me.
It should have been the rug. PERSON: Oh come on, now.
CAT: What? PERSON: Just play the game.
CAT: Okay. It's uh, uh, toaster. PERSON: Nope!
CAT: I know.
You wanna know why I know? Because it's this rug! PERSON: Now come on. I told you it's not the
rug. There's a treat in it for you if you get the
right answer. Okay? Do you want to play or not? CAT: OK, let's do this.
Ready! PERSON: I spy with my little eye something
blue. CAT: Rug!.
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