Oh, cat butt yay! F*ck! Son of a... What up internet? Corinne here and you're watching hack job! Today, we're testing cat hacks *coughs* Hairball If you're a cat lover, like me, you're cat pretty much runs your life Who run the world? Cats. Yeah, I figured what better place to test cat hacks than in my creepy cat lady room? My cat friggin loves it in here I am constantly cleaning cat hair off my fancy velvet couch But, I just learned that you do not need a vacuum cleaner or a lint roller to complete this task All you need is a rubber glove Apparently Just supposed to dampen it a little bit And it should be good to go It actually gets the hair off pretty good But then you have to rinse the hair off the glove, And make sure the hair doesn't go down the drain because then your drain's gonna get clogged Plus, I couldn't get all the hair on the first pass so I had to go back again and do the whole process a second time Works pretty good though I'm gonna give the thumbs up to this one I also saw this hack that says to put double sided tape on surfaces you don't want your cat getting on But this just looks... Terrible And it no longer functions as somewhere people can actually sit What the f*ck is this type of sh*t Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say this one is stupid Meow meow meow meow meow meow *beep* Next up we're gonna test out this cat tent dome situation You guys have been suggesting this on my instagram Probably because I'm constantly posting pictures of my cat Honestly, the design of this thing doesn't seem very sturdy But I really like the concept using the t-shirt Guess what? You don't have to use wire hangers for this Oh no you can just use a regular old box No wire hangers EVER!!! That's right It's pretty easy First thing I did was cut an old sheet in half And then folded it up and put that in there so it's nice and comfy For the kitty Then I simply just slipped the t-shirt over the box And pinned it in the back Like so This looks pretty good Lastly, I just tucked the sleeves in And voila F*cking little cat house Plus there was no need to cut the t-shirt Which makes me really happy You never know, the dead may get back together again, and I need my purple tie dye t-shirt back Sorry kitty This thing actually worked out really well What do you think kitty? Want to try it out? Go in the kitty house You can do it mm? That was a close one Gotta give her some space Can't let her know That I want her to do it Gotta be her idea Cats.
Am I right? Right kitty? Kitty psst psst psst... Kitty... Meow...Kitty... Kitty...
Kitty... Kitty... Kitty... Kitty...
Kitty *beep* Okay moving on This one looks interesting but my cat would not give that the time of day Her favorite cat toy And my favorite cat hack Is a ribbon tied to the end of a knitting needle My cat loves this sh*t Good work out for your arms too Getting tired yet kitty? Cat hair everywhere Springtime has sprung Which means your cat is probably shedding a lot Ooo kitty you're so furry Waaaa Every time I pet my cat I get cat hair all over me And this is especially awesome because I wear all black usually Oh yeah just rub right...Right on my back there kitty Which brings us to our last hack test Using a dryer sheet to remove cat hair From your clothes Kay lets see if this works No No, not even a little I also read that these things are not good for cats Or humans So that really makes me not like it I even tried it on the couch too just to make sure And all that did was just push the cat hair around And leave these little white things everywhere This hack is a f*cking lie Just go ahead, and use a piece of tape Wrapped around your fingers Like you always do That sh*t works a lot better By the way, brushing your cat every day definitely minimizes the amount of cat hair in your life But honestly, if you have a cat You're never gonna be rid of cat hair It's totally worth it *beep* Have you found any suspicious hacks you wanna see us try? Let us know in the comments down below! Also make sure to subscribe Like up this video And I'll see you later.Putri LaksmiDecember 10, 2017AdminBandung Indonesia
Cat Hacks, HACK JOB #6
Oh, cat butt yay! F*ck! Son of a... What up internet? Corinne here and you're watching hack job! Today, we're testing cat hacks *coughs* Hairball If you're a cat lover, like me, you're cat pretty much runs your life Who run the world? Cats. Yeah, I figured what better place to test cat hacks than in my creepy cat lady room? My cat friggin loves it in here I am constantly cleaning cat hair off my fancy velvet couch But, I just learned that you do not need a vacuum cleaner or a lint roller to complete this task All you need is a rubber glove Apparently Just supposed to dampen it a little bit And it should be good to go It actually gets the hair off pretty good But then you have to rinse the hair off the glove, And make sure the hair doesn't go down the drain because then your drain's gonna get clogged Plus, I couldn't get all the hair on the first pass so I had to go back again and do the whole process a second time Works pretty good though I'm gonna give the thumbs up to this one I also saw this hack that says to put double sided tape on surfaces you don't want your cat getting on But this just looks... Terrible And it no longer functions as somewhere people can actually sit What the f*ck is this type of sh*t Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say this one is stupid Meow meow meow meow meow meow *beep* Next up we're gonna test out this cat tent dome situation You guys have been suggesting this on my instagram Probably because I'm constantly posting pictures of my cat Honestly, the design of this thing doesn't seem very sturdy But I really like the concept using the t-shirt Guess what? You don't have to use wire hangers for this Oh no you can just use a regular old box No wire hangers EVER!!! That's right It's pretty easy First thing I did was cut an old sheet in half And then folded it up and put that in there so it's nice and comfy For the kitty Then I simply just slipped the t-shirt over the box And pinned it in the back Like so This looks pretty good Lastly, I just tucked the sleeves in And voila F*cking little cat house Plus there was no need to cut the t-shirt Which makes me really happy You never know, the dead may get back together again, and I need my purple tie dye t-shirt back Sorry kitty This thing actually worked out really well What do you think kitty? Want to try it out? Go in the kitty house You can do it mm? That was a close one Gotta give her some space Can't let her know That I want her to do it Gotta be her idea Cats.
Am I right? Right kitty? Kitty psst psst psst... Kitty... Meow...Kitty... Kitty...
Kitty... Kitty... Kitty... Kitty...
Kitty *beep* Okay moving on This one looks interesting but my cat would not give that the time of day Her favorite cat toy And my favorite cat hack Is a ribbon tied to the end of a knitting needle My cat loves this sh*t Good work out for your arms too Getting tired yet kitty? Cat hair everywhere Springtime has sprung Which means your cat is probably shedding a lot Ooo kitty you're so furry Waaaa Every time I pet my cat I get cat hair all over me And this is especially awesome because I wear all black usually Oh yeah just rub right...Right on my back there kitty Which brings us to our last hack test Using a dryer sheet to remove cat hair From your clothes Kay lets see if this works No No, not even a little I also read that these things are not good for cats Or humans So that really makes me not like it I even tried it on the couch too just to make sure And all that did was just push the cat hair around And leave these little white things everywhere This hack is a f*cking lie Just go ahead, and use a piece of tape Wrapped around your fingers Like you always do That sh*t works a lot better By the way, brushing your cat every day definitely minimizes the amount of cat hair in your life But honestly, if you have a cat You're never gonna be rid of cat hair It's totally worth it *beep* Have you found any suspicious hacks you wanna see us try? Let us know in the comments down below! Also make sure to subscribe Like up this video And I'll see you later.
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