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Top 10 Most Unique Champions in League of Legends

Top 10 Most Unique Champions in League of Legends

Whats up guys its me Jeremy! One of the most impressive things about Riots
champion design team is the amount of diversity they have created in the champion pool. They
constantly manage to come up with unique new mechanics and kits for each champion release,
and it makes for some of the most interesting characters to play in League of Legends. Todays
Top 10 is going to look at some of those really unique champions. Please keep in mind that
were looking at uniqueness relative to other League champions only, so our list isnt
affected by other MOBAs.

Its all about how interesting they are to play compared
to other champions in League of Legends. If you enjoy the video, make sure to hit that
like button, and if you dont hit the dislike. Starting out at Number 10 is the revered inventor
Heimerdinger. It was kinda inevitable that he would end up making this list since theres
not much thats more unique than having something fight for you on your behalf.

turrets make him an absolute zone control king as it can be extremely punishing to try
fight him in close quarters while he has his turrets set up. You might think hed be
higher up on the list because of this, but to be honest although the turrets are pretty
unique, his playstyle isnt. Theres quite a few champions you can play that work in
a similar kinda way, such as Illaoi. They both have persistent traps that deal
damage by themselves, and both are strongest when fighting in the zones they have set up
to defend.

It was a bit of a tossup between the two to decide which should take the Number
10 spot, but we decided that while both shared that zone control theme, Heimer has a lot
of other interesting bits in his kit such as his bouncing stun grenade and rockets. Number 9 is Twitch. Its quite hard to stand
out as an AD Carry because the end game is always going to be about stacking attack damage,
crit and attack speed and just auto-attacking people to death. That being said, Twitch does
stand out somewhat for a couple of reasons.

His Ultimate is a big part of this - while
most ADCs are limited to focusing one target at a time, Twitchs Ultimate causes his
auto attacks to penetrate through all targets in a line, meaning in a grouped teamfight
he doesnt really need to focus at all, he just kills everyone simultaneously. That
alone wouldnt really be an interesting enough playstyle for this Top 10, but the
super cool thing is that while Twitchs late game is all about shredding everyone
at once, his early and mid game is the exact opposite. His Q Stealth resets on kills where
his passive is active, so rather than taking on multiple targets at once, he actually plays
way more like an assassin, picking off a single target before hunting down a second or using
the stealth reset to escape. That evolving playstyle is really cool and something thats
pretty rare to see in a League champion, and I hope its an area of design that Riot
look into more in the future.

Theres loads of potential in it for every role. Number 8 is our first Jungler, Nunu. Lets
be honest, his kit really isnt anything special. The Ultimate is super cool and deadly
in the right hands, and having a second smite that also heals you is no joke, but its
pretty simplistic in terms of design.

What really makes Nunu stand out is how differently
this means he has to play. He doesnt have a kit packed with damage like Lee Sin, nor
a huge chunk of crowd control like Amumu. That means its gonna be pretty hard for
a Nunu to make a big difference in fights, unlike those two who can really change the
tide of a battle. Instead, Nunu has to be as big of a nuisance as he can, and affect
the game by negating the strengths of the enemy Jungler.

Theres a saying that a good
Nunu has to make the enemy jungler even more useless than he is, and its really true.
Nunu has to invade, steal objectives, and be a general pain in the ass for the enemy
jungler. His sustain and smite means he can invade really safely and take pretty much
whatever he wants. If he uses those invades to get deep wards down, he will be able to
plan his route to counter any gank the enemy jungler wants to make by simply slowing him
down and keeping him distracted. Its crazy how he can confuse a game so much with such
a simple kit, but it makes him really interesting to play.

For Number 7 weve gone with the reworked
Malzahar. Its kind of insane that a rework which essentially just shifted his abilities
around made him so different to play. Pre-rework, Malzahar was all about spamming abilities
and locking down a target with his Ultimate. At this point, his voidlings were a cool touch
to add some extra damage, but the lack of ways to control them meant it didnt feel
like you could really take advantage of their power.

With the rework changes, his W now
allows you summon a Voidling whenever you have it off cooldown, and that Voidling can
spawn additional ones based on if certain conditions are met. Instead of feeling like
his kit is just spam spells and get bonus voidling damage, hes now about using your
abilities to help out your voidlings instead. He works in both solo lanes and jungle, AP
or AD, making him incredibly flexible in terms of what to build, but the core idea is the
same - manage your voidlings to summon as many as you can, then tear people apart. His
passive change has been a godsend too, and although periodically resisting CC and damage
is kinda ridiculous, it means he has a way to stay alive in lanes where he would have
been totally unplayable.

Props to Riot for figuring this one out, its probably the
most successful rework so far, introducing new players to Malzahar while keeping what
the old Malz mains really loved. Kindred is taking our Number 6 spot, and they
boast another one of these evolving playstyles like Twitch. Kindred is initially all about
early pressure, using mobility and slows along with high damage to snowball lanes through
powerful ganks. The mix of single target and AoE damage makes Kindred one of the best junglers
in the game, and although most early game power picks tend to be worse off lategame,
Kindred still holds the power to dominate the late game too.

As the game progresses,
Kindred scales up to become a force almost comparable to the actual ADC, along with the
power to save allies from death. And enemies. And jungle creeps. Crazy, right? Lambs
Respite is one of the most powerful Ultimate abilities in the game when used correctly,
while still allowing for reasonable counterplay because of the need to stay in the circle
to gain the benefit.

One of the coolest plays Ive ever seen was a Kindred that dashed
over the Baron wall and used Lambs Respite to prevent Baron dying, stopping the enemy
team from finishing it off and giving just enough time for the rest of the team to catch
up and engage. On top of all that epicness throw Kindreds awesome spiritual yin-yang
design and you end up with a beautiful and powerful champion that is well deserving of
a spot in our Top 10. Time for the Top 5, starting with Orianna.
You know a champion is going to be unique when you really cant understand what youre
meant to be doing when you first play them. Oriannas abilities all revolve around her
ball and its position, and that can be incredibly weird to get used to.

It means
shes incredibly difficult to play effectively, but also really rewarding once you finally
figure her out. Orianna as a champion really tests your ability when it comes to decision
making. Should you use your ball to poke, or keep it for resistances? Combo your Ult
with an ally by shielding them, or sneak it over a wall and use it directly? Its quite
impressive that Riot managed to create a champion that doesnt really target enemies with
abilities, instead opting to have her abilities all occur around the ball and simply give
her a way to control it. Orianna is one of the staple mages of competitive play and ranked
- shes never too weak for a good player to make use of her.

A fed Orianna will carry
games with her insane AoE damage, and a weak Orianna can still contribute through shields,
slows and her insane Ult CC. She can farm safely with her auto-attacks, or zone an enemy
away completely with her ball manipulation. She can play defensively, shielding allies
and speeding them from harm, or she can terrorise enemies with her Q-Ult-W burst. Orianna is
one of the most versatile mages in the game, and totally unlike anything else in League.

Number 4 has gotta be Shaco. New ways to abuse
Shacos mix of strategy and deception are invented every day, and it all comes down
to the awesome way his kit comes together. He has damage, he has traps, he has a clone
and he has sneakiness. How the player ties that all together is what makes Shaco so unique
- you can invent your own playstyle for this guy.

Only one thing really remains the same;
Shaco really, really wants to kill stuff, to the point where hes one of the only
champions in the game where players willingly sacrifice Flash for the added kill power of
Ignite. His invades are legendary, along with his ability to sneak Dragons or enemy camps
by tanking them with his box traps. Hes also one of the best duellists in the game,
theres not many champions that a skilled Shaco player will lose to once he reaches
level 6. He does require a fair bit of game knowledge and foresight to use properly, but
once you are used to his tricks you can unleash some awesome mind games.

Sprinting into the Number 3 spot is Singed,
and most of you probably saw this coming. Its hard to argue that there is much thats
more unique than Singed, although it does take a specific type of player to find him
interesting to play. If you like proxying waves of creeps and running around while spamming
laugh, Singed is your guy. Our favorite mad scientist doesnt want to fight conventionally,
he prefers to leave a poison trail all over the map to kill champions and minions alike,
and if youre getting too far away hell just pick you up and flip you back again.
Hes quite powerful as a tank because of his disruptive abilities, although he prefers
to splitpush than teamfight, making him quite hard to deal with.

Its important not to
let him distract you too much as it can be pretty frustrating trying to lock him down.
Just remember, never chase Singed. We have a pretty new champion at Number 2,
Bard. Hes a pretty troll champion, but hes also ridiculously powerful in the right
hands. Bard really defines the roaming support because of his ability to leave health packs
down for his laner before embarking on a magical journey across the map, collecting charms
and assists.

Support is the most neglected role in terms of the playerbase, but releases
like Bard have really attracted more players to try it out. Hes really exciting to play,
nothing really feels better than landing a game-changing Ult on the enemy team or saving
an ally at the last second. Magical Journey enables some fantastic clutch plays to surprise
the enemy team or make a quick escape, turning every piece of terrain on the map into a portal
to be used to move quickly from place to place. His Q is nothing to sniff at either, being
essentially a Lux bind that can stun two targets instead of snaring them, along with the power
to pin people against a wall if there is no second target around.

Overall hes a super
cool champion that that community has grown really fond of, and for good reason. And here we are at the end of our Top 10 with
our Number 1 Most Interesting and Unique Champion - Azir! The Emperor has been a staple of competitive
play since not long after his release, and with that much raw playmaking ability its
not hard to see why. Azirs abilities flow together in an incredible way, and a successful
Shurima Shuffle is one of the most amazing things to watch happen in League. What really
blows my mind is how Azirs kit borrows so little from other champions, something
thats really hard to do in a game with so many diverse abilities.

His passive tower
construction has no equal in the game, enabling him to lock down a lane singlehandedly. The
closest comparison we can think of to his soldier control would be Oriannas ball
manipulation, but rather than casting abilities, the soldiers replace Azirs auto attacks,
making him one of the rare attack speed mages and giving him a hybrid between sustained
and burst damage. He can also remain mobile with his dash, enabling him to sweep behind
the enemy team at high speed in spectacular fashion. He can waveclear, duel, poke or combo
- whatever his team needs.

With his power to adapt to any situation, he has one of the
highest skill ceilings in the game. Azir is one of the only hypercarry mages in League,
and hes unlike anything else in game at the moment. Truly unique, extremely interesting
to play and well deserving of this Number 1 spot. That marks the end of our Top 10 Interesting
and Unique champions list, really hope you guys enjoyed this one and would love to hear
your thoughts on either the champions we mentioned or who you think should have made the cut.
Thats gonna be it from me, if you enjoyed the video drop a like, subscribe if you want,
thanks for watching and Ill see you guys next time!.

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