Hey there. So if you came over from Gary's
main speech this is the question and answer session that he held directly after. Now if
you didn't come here from the speech the link to the main speech is in the description below,
and its going to be at the end of the video. So sit tight and I hope you enjoy this question
and answer.
You guys have any questions? You want me to
clarify something I said that makes no sense to you whatsoever? How I got started, how
you should get started? Question: What is your opinion of PETA? Gary: My opinion of PETA? PETA sucks. By the
way, I usually write that on the board I didn't write that today. I usually write no I
am not with PETA. Now PETA sucks for a lot of reasons, and by the way I don't want
you to take this out on the animals because PETA sucks.
A lot of people and a lot of groups
involved in a lot of movements suck. But you still have to understand the message and forget
about the messenger. PETA sucks for a couple reasons. Number one they exploit women.
using naked women in their campaigns, I dont understand how exploiting one species to try
and help, and the exploitation of another, is productive. And I understand that women,
and everyone has their right to do to their body what they want. I have some friends,
of course, over the years who have worked at PETA. Some of them were women who have
done these naked campaigns, and I had a friend tell me once, Gary, Its my body, and
I want to use it to help the animals.
Okay I get that, but you are objectifying women.
And on top of it, it doesnt even work. Like I know why sex is used to sell things.
You guys know why. You tell some guys spray some stuff on your body and 12 women are going
to attack you in the hallway and rape you, guys will say hey give me some Axe man,
spray in on. You tell a guy youll get laid if you drive a Harley.
Guys I'm saving
up to buy a Harley. But you show Pam Andersons boobs on a billboard? How is this teaching
people about what pigs go through and what cows go through? Now Ive talked about this
with Ingrid Newkirk the founder and president of PETA over the years. She goes, Gary,
do you know how many more people see Pam Anderson billboards than your speech? I said "Oh
its not even close. But are you telling me guys are walking through times square - ok
there's four guys walking through Times Square and it's like hey, look at those tits.
Lets go get some tofu its on me! Its not whats happening.
At least
if it worked I can understand why they would do it but it doesnt work. Ill give you another horrible example.
In 2002 now just to be fair and open Ive taken money from PETA in the past, from 2002-2005.
Ill take money from McDonalds if there's no strings attached. And there were never
strings attached. My speech, my words, my thoughts, my lecture too.
They invited me
in 2002 to come down to their headquarters in Norfolk, and while I was there it was staff
meeting day for the month. So they go into a big room, 110 people sit there and watch
all the media that they've done for the month. Well in 02 they were using Tracey Bingham,
one of Pam Anderson co-stars on Baywatch, in another naked women campaign. They had
her marked up like a cow, different parts, and of course the main focus because she was
sitting like this with her ass out, and it said rump.
So Jay Leno that night, the
following day, after this campaign, Jay Leno in his opening monologue on the Tonight Show
comes on and says. Man did you guys see that PETA campaign with Tracy Bingham? With
a rump like that I'll never go vegetarian. I shrink and I was like ah and everyone
in the room was like yay. I lean over to the person next to me and I ask why
is everyone clapping? Jay Leno mentioned PETA! He said hed never go veg.
But he mentioned PETA! This is PETAs goal? Just to get mentioned? As if that does
Its so ridiculous. And the other problem with PETA is that they kill homeless
dogs and cats. And Ingrid Newkirk is a psychotic serial cat killer. If you go to my website
and click on other animal issues, I.
Have an essay titled PETA and homeless
animals where I expose everything theyve done. I dont believe in that old boys network
stuff about not telling on someone because they supposedly believe the same things you
believe in. Like the cops not telling on other cops when theyre beating up people in prison.
So I expose them profusely for this stuff. She actually sends people out into Norfolk,
Virginia every day with traps and they catch live feral cats.
Take them back to the PETA
compound and kill them in the backyard in a shed. I've seen it with my own 2 eyes several
times. Insane. Ingrid has convinced herself and everyone else (they have deified themselves)
that cats, and dogs by the way, are not happy unless they have human companionship.
I've been on the road for a long time. 2,500 Lectures in 30 States, I have driven to nearly
all these states too, from Michigan to California. Do you know how many times I see a dead cat
on the side of the road? Almost never. You know what I see though every 50 to 100 feet
dead on the road? Squirrels and raccoons and possums.
So if their goal is, and this is
what she claims: well theyre going to get hit by cars, well then why dont
you round up the squirrels and the raccoons that are always getting hit by a car? Oh well
we dont have that affinity for them as we do for the cats. But listen cats are completely
fine on their own. Feral cats? Do you know that cats arent even a domesticated species,
even though they live with us theyre an oddity? For some reason they enjoy our company
like dogs do but cats are completely wild creatures thats why they can survive outside.
And be the little killers that they are. Killing birds and mice, they dont need any help
to survive, none whatsoever.
But check out that essay on my website. You have a question? Question: So, you are saying that we shouldnt
eat this meat and that we should care about all these other animals and all these great
things. What do you think about animals that are in other species that do the same thing?
Such as lions, tigers, jaguars, wolfs, panther, hyenas, dogs, bears, and cats as you just
mentioned? Gary: I dont like it one bit. And I'll
be the first vegan activist on this planet to say this.
To me the only evolved species
on this entire planet is the herbivore animal. The zebra, the antelope, the deer, the elephant,
giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus. Fortunately 75% of animals on this planet are not killers,
theyre not carnivores, and omnivores, they are herbivore animals. And I dont think
we should be justifying human behavior based on lion behavior, its awfully unfair.
you noticed that meat, dairy and egg eaters always wanna say, Hey but lions eat zebra's,
I can eat a cow! But the lions do a lot of other things that we dont do. Why is
that the only thing we want to imitate from them? Lions sleep outside naked. Have insects
crawling all over their bodies and their orifices and all that stuff. They eat bloody raw flesh.
Blood dripping down their face.
They see animal, chase it down and tackle it. When was the
last time were driving on a country road you saw a cow and said Stop the car, hey man
I'm gonna jump that fence and go tackle that that cow, dig my jaw into that cows abdomen
and eat some blood and guts! We dont do anything they do. So I will make a promise
to everybody. Once my species stops murdering and committing genocide against billions of
innocent beings on this planet, I will fly to the jungles of Tanzania and try to convince
lions not to eat zebras.
But that is not my focus. Because lions also dont claim to
be created in the image of God. Lions also dont claim "We know right from wrong. We're
compassionate, we're civilized beings!" As long as we make these claims of being civilized
and knowing right from wrong, I'm gonna be in everyones face saying go all the way
with it.
You cant pick and choose who to be kind to. Which is something, as youve
probably noticed throughout history, we love to do. Why do we always have to go to the
table of peace, year after year, decade after decade, and say hey, hey, can you let these
black people free in American please? No! Please can you let them free and give them
their equality? No! This goes on for 400 years and then near the end its like, "Um, can
you please give us our freedom now?" Eh, Maybe. We're talking about it." And then we
end up doing it.
Same thing with women, No! Cant have your equality! Please can we
go to the same school everyone goes to? Can we have a vote in our government?" "No!" "Can
we please have the same rights as men? (Sigh)..Maybe. Were talking about it." And now we are
doing it with homosexuals. "Hey can we have the right, please, to see our loved ones when
they are dying in the hospital?" "No!" "Can we have the same freedoms that all other married
couples have?" "No!" "Please?" "Maybe. Were discussing it." Do we have to really discuss
justice and equality over and over? Why do we remain the most brilliant species technologically,
yet the stupidest one when it comes to ethics? We're on par with parasites.
All we do is
oppress, harm, and torture, and murder somebody else who doesn't look and act like everybody
else in the majority. We need to focus on our behavior. This is unnatural. This is a
This is the biggest holocaust that has ever existed. The worst form of slavery
that has ever existed. Number one business on the planet by the way, since the beginning
of time, animal slavery. Which is why this has been going on the longest.
And if you
ever wonder why we cant get along with each other? You know we have practiced all
the atrocities on the animals first? Thats why we are experts at killing each other,
harming each other, oppressing each other, exploiting each other. We tested it out on
the animals first, became masters at this. Speciesism, being a speciesist, this is the
root of all hatred on this planet. The root of all evil.
First form of hatred human beings
are taught, kill the animal. Animal didn't count. Or depending on which part of the world
you are in, certain animals count. In America, the western world, hey dogs and cats are precious.
But screw those cows, fuck those chickens, screw those turkeys. Kill em. Cut their
beaks off. Kill em while theyre still alive.
Those lobsters? Boil them alive. We
do some pretty horrible things just for a sandwich. Question: In the vegan argument, is the suffering
of plants not acknowledged? Gary: No it is not, because it is ridiculous
argument. If I came in here by the way and talked about the broccoli holocaust how long
would I be allowed to speak? 5 Seconds, 8 seconds? Its a really ridiculous argument.
By the way my best friend since when I was 8 years old is still a non-vegan and when
he asked me, man, so what kind of arguments did they use this time? I said "well they
called me a carrot killer in this town and a mushroom murderer." And he is forever embarrassed
as a meat eater, when people say the carrot stuff.
But let me explain this in a couple
of ways. Number one, I think everybody should know a word, and if you dont, here's a
new word for you. It's called sentient, S. E N T I E N T.
It can also be pronounced sentient.
Thats having a central nervous system connected to a brain, connected to your heart, your
liver, your lungs that means you feel pain, you experience joy and happiness. Animals
and humans are sentient beings. Carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, these are insentient beings. Incapable
of suffering whatsoever.
But a couple of things I want you to think about. We talked about
this during the speech. 50% Of all the crops on this planet are set aside as animal feed.
So if we truly were concerned about plants, we would destroy a lot less plants if we ate
them directly instead of growing them all, destroying all this land, to feed them to
the 150 billion land animals on this planet every year. You know I've got a quote on my
website from a group called The Council for Science and Technology.
And they stated in
the 90's, this shocked the vegan world by the way. This is a group of animal agriculture
people, they said "with all the crop land in America alone, we could feed the planet
twice over. But there has to be one stipulation, everyone would have to be vegans." This is
how much less land and less plants we can destroy if we just ate the stuff directly.
And since we are herbivores, and I know this probably shocks people, everybody thinks we're
omnivores and carnivores, there is nothing omnivorous, carnivorous about us in anyway
whatsoever. As herbivores we need to eat what we were meant to eat unless you guys know
how to become breatharian, let me know and we can live off the oxygen.
But you need to
eat what you were meant to eat. And real quickly about humans being herbivores, if your lower
jaw goes from side to side in a grinding chewing motion like this, 100% herbivore. If you were
an omnivore or a carnivore, your jaws can only go like this, up and down. Vertically
rip and swallow.
If you have a dog or cat at home, watch them eat. There is no chewing
and grinding. If you sweat through your pores on a hot day, youre 100% herbivore. If
you are a carnivore or an omnivore you would pant to cool yourself down.
No claws on the
human hand. Claws are a trademark of the carnivore and the omnivore. The length of our intestines
are somewhere between 7 to 13 times the length of our torso. Its a very long intestinal
The same length of all herbivore animal intestines on this planet. The length of the
intestines on real meat eaters, lions, hyenas, jaguars, only 3 to 6 times the length of their
torso. And I used to make a challenge back in the day, Brandon probably remembers this,
that if you really think humans are naturally meat eaters, find a 2 year old child, put
that child in a crib with a bunny rabbit and an apple. If the child eats the bunny rabbit
and plays with the apple, sent me an email, I will buy you a brand new car with a leather
And Ill buy you a steak sandwich too. Hey we have zero carnivorous instincts,
zero omnivorous instincts whatsoever when we are young, when we are born, when we are
growing up. And about the plant thing, one more thing. I just put this on my website
by the way.
Its coming around again, I. Noticed in the last 11 years of lecturing
certain topics are hot for the public right now. All of a sudden the last year everyone
is bringing up the plant argument again. Somebody must have said something on the radio, "the
plants are suffering and the plants are feeling pain." Heres something interesting, how
come in the history of human kind, not one firefighter has ever ran into a house to rescue
the plants? And dont say it's discriminatory because animals are the most discriminated
species on this planet, and there's still a protocol for rescuing them.
Now it's humans
first of course, you get in the house and theres people in there, lets go save
the humans. And then if they come back out and are like "hey wait my dog is in there,
my dog!" Ok its safe to go in, and you've seen the pictures of big hulking fire fighters
coming out with a little puppy with a litte oxygen mask Aw thats sweet. Even
if it was safe for a third time to go back in, no fire fighter is going to say, Hey
Im going to get the chrysanthemums! Im going to get the rhododendron! I'm going to get the tomato and the basil plants! Quick, somebody get my plants! Listen I
want to be fair, I like plants, I do. I've got 5 at home, actually I've got more than
that, I've got 5 succulents and 3 cacti at home.
I dig them. I watch them all the time.
Its a little forest I've got right on my counter. Hey but when my plants die and they've
died over the years, you know what I do? Take them out of the bowl, and throw them outside.
My dog Rex passed away January 24, 2004. Still know the day.
My father passed away October
29, 2009, still know the day. I think about them every single day. Never think about my
old succulents and the cactus that I once had. Completely different life forms.
check out my website, if you go to the all about veganism section, I have a section entitled
The Insipid Killing Plants Argument. Question: I was going to say so are you okay
with people then, feeding their household animals meat? Or do you recommend a vegan
diet for them? Gary: I recommend a vegan diet but I want
to be clear about this, Im not here to turn your dogs and cats into vegans. That's
not why I travel the country seven and a half months a year, and its not why I've been
arrested 13 times and kicked out of five countries to convert dogs and cats into vegans. But
if you change your life, it's not a bad idea to change the life of somebody else you truly
care about.
Rex by the way who passed away when he was 15, he was a vegan the last 9
years of his life when I found him, just like his daddy. And he was super healthy. 15 Is
a nice ripe old age. In fact if you go to my website in the dog and cats section, the
worlds oldest dog by the Guinness Book of World Records, a 27 year old vegan dog
from birth.
Its great for them and its great for us too. Now here's why it's so great
for them. That commercial dog food we feed them, and all of it, I dont care what they're
saying about, "it's natural." Its garbage. Its literally garbage.
It's meat thats
not fit for human consumption. It's recalled meat, E.Coli, salmonella. Recalled vegetable,
E.Coli, salmonella. The last place you can sell something to that nobody wants to eat
as a human, sell it to the pet food people.
So this is why it's always better for them.
Now dogs are pretty easy to turn into vegans. In fact I rescued a dog over the summer, Doyle.
He is a 10 year old lab, 85 lbs. You guys know bigger dogs have hip problems, dysplasia.
When we got him, he couldn't jump on the bed, and he couldn't jump around outside. He wanted
to play, he always loved to play fetch they told us.
We took him outside and his old legs
hurt. Less than one year, guess whos jumping around like a bunny rabbit on a vegan diet?
Guess whos jumping up on the bed whenever he wants to? It's healing him, and it heals
us too. You want to eradicate the majority of all diseases? And listen we've got enough
stress in life. Everyones stressed out right? We have enough problems going on, enough
sugar and empty carbohydrates coming into our bodies.
Why compound your problem, your
risk for disease by shoving things down your throat that dont belong there? Meat, cheese,
milk and eggs does not belong in our bodies..
main speech this is the question and answer session that he held directly after. Now if
you didn't come here from the speech the link to the main speech is in the description below,
and its going to be at the end of the video. So sit tight and I hope you enjoy this question
and answer.
You guys have any questions? You want me to
clarify something I said that makes no sense to you whatsoever? How I got started, how
you should get started? Question: What is your opinion of PETA? Gary: My opinion of PETA? PETA sucks. By the
way, I usually write that on the board I didn't write that today. I usually write no I
am not with PETA. Now PETA sucks for a lot of reasons, and by the way I don't want
you to take this out on the animals because PETA sucks.
A lot of people and a lot of groups
involved in a lot of movements suck. But you still have to understand the message and forget
about the messenger. PETA sucks for a couple reasons. Number one they exploit women.
using naked women in their campaigns, I dont understand how exploiting one species to try
and help, and the exploitation of another, is productive. And I understand that women,
and everyone has their right to do to their body what they want. I have some friends,
of course, over the years who have worked at PETA. Some of them were women who have
done these naked campaigns, and I had a friend tell me once, Gary, Its my body, and
I want to use it to help the animals.
Okay I get that, but you are objectifying women.
And on top of it, it doesnt even work. Like I know why sex is used to sell things.
You guys know why. You tell some guys spray some stuff on your body and 12 women are going
to attack you in the hallway and rape you, guys will say hey give me some Axe man,
spray in on. You tell a guy youll get laid if you drive a Harley.
Guys I'm saving
up to buy a Harley. But you show Pam Andersons boobs on a billboard? How is this teaching
people about what pigs go through and what cows go through? Now Ive talked about this
with Ingrid Newkirk the founder and president of PETA over the years. She goes, Gary,
do you know how many more people see Pam Anderson billboards than your speech? I said "Oh
its not even close. But are you telling me guys are walking through times square - ok
there's four guys walking through Times Square and it's like hey, look at those tits.
Lets go get some tofu its on me! Its not whats happening.
At least
if it worked I can understand why they would do it but it doesnt work. Ill give you another horrible example.
In 2002 now just to be fair and open Ive taken money from PETA in the past, from 2002-2005.
Ill take money from McDonalds if there's no strings attached. And there were never
strings attached. My speech, my words, my thoughts, my lecture too.
They invited me
in 2002 to come down to their headquarters in Norfolk, and while I was there it was staff
meeting day for the month. So they go into a big room, 110 people sit there and watch
all the media that they've done for the month. Well in 02 they were using Tracey Bingham,
one of Pam Anderson co-stars on Baywatch, in another naked women campaign. They had
her marked up like a cow, different parts, and of course the main focus because she was
sitting like this with her ass out, and it said rump.
So Jay Leno that night, the
following day, after this campaign, Jay Leno in his opening monologue on the Tonight Show
comes on and says. Man did you guys see that PETA campaign with Tracy Bingham? With
a rump like that I'll never go vegetarian. I shrink and I was like ah and everyone
in the room was like yay. I lean over to the person next to me and I ask why
is everyone clapping? Jay Leno mentioned PETA! He said hed never go veg.
But he mentioned PETA! This is PETAs goal? Just to get mentioned? As if that does
Its so ridiculous. And the other problem with PETA is that they kill homeless
dogs and cats. And Ingrid Newkirk is a psychotic serial cat killer. If you go to my website
and click on other animal issues, I.
Have an essay titled PETA and homeless
animals where I expose everything theyve done. I dont believe in that old boys network
stuff about not telling on someone because they supposedly believe the same things you
believe in. Like the cops not telling on other cops when theyre beating up people in prison.
So I expose them profusely for this stuff. She actually sends people out into Norfolk,
Virginia every day with traps and they catch live feral cats.
Take them back to the PETA
compound and kill them in the backyard in a shed. I've seen it with my own 2 eyes several
times. Insane. Ingrid has convinced herself and everyone else (they have deified themselves)
that cats, and dogs by the way, are not happy unless they have human companionship.
I've been on the road for a long time. 2,500 Lectures in 30 States, I have driven to nearly
all these states too, from Michigan to California. Do you know how many times I see a dead cat
on the side of the road? Almost never. You know what I see though every 50 to 100 feet
dead on the road? Squirrels and raccoons and possums.
So if their goal is, and this is
what she claims: well theyre going to get hit by cars, well then why dont
you round up the squirrels and the raccoons that are always getting hit by a car? Oh well
we dont have that affinity for them as we do for the cats. But listen cats are completely
fine on their own. Feral cats? Do you know that cats arent even a domesticated species,
even though they live with us theyre an oddity? For some reason they enjoy our company
like dogs do but cats are completely wild creatures thats why they can survive outside.
And be the little killers that they are. Killing birds and mice, they dont need any help
to survive, none whatsoever.
But check out that essay on my website. You have a question? Question: So, you are saying that we shouldnt
eat this meat and that we should care about all these other animals and all these great
things. What do you think about animals that are in other species that do the same thing?
Such as lions, tigers, jaguars, wolfs, panther, hyenas, dogs, bears, and cats as you just
mentioned? Gary: I dont like it one bit. And I'll
be the first vegan activist on this planet to say this.
To me the only evolved species
on this entire planet is the herbivore animal. The zebra, the antelope, the deer, the elephant,
giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus. Fortunately 75% of animals on this planet are not killers,
theyre not carnivores, and omnivores, they are herbivore animals. And I dont think
we should be justifying human behavior based on lion behavior, its awfully unfair.
you noticed that meat, dairy and egg eaters always wanna say, Hey but lions eat zebra's,
I can eat a cow! But the lions do a lot of other things that we dont do. Why is
that the only thing we want to imitate from them? Lions sleep outside naked. Have insects
crawling all over their bodies and their orifices and all that stuff. They eat bloody raw flesh.
Blood dripping down their face.
They see animal, chase it down and tackle it. When was the
last time were driving on a country road you saw a cow and said Stop the car, hey man
I'm gonna jump that fence and go tackle that that cow, dig my jaw into that cows abdomen
and eat some blood and guts! We dont do anything they do. So I will make a promise
to everybody. Once my species stops murdering and committing genocide against billions of
innocent beings on this planet, I will fly to the jungles of Tanzania and try to convince
lions not to eat zebras.
But that is not my focus. Because lions also dont claim to
be created in the image of God. Lions also dont claim "We know right from wrong. We're
compassionate, we're civilized beings!" As long as we make these claims of being civilized
and knowing right from wrong, I'm gonna be in everyones face saying go all the way
with it.
You cant pick and choose who to be kind to. Which is something, as youve
probably noticed throughout history, we love to do. Why do we always have to go to the
table of peace, year after year, decade after decade, and say hey, hey, can you let these
black people free in American please? No! Please can you let them free and give them
their equality? No! This goes on for 400 years and then near the end its like, "Um, can
you please give us our freedom now?" Eh, Maybe. We're talking about it." And then we
end up doing it.
Same thing with women, No! Cant have your equality! Please can we
go to the same school everyone goes to? Can we have a vote in our government?" "No!" "Can
we please have the same rights as men? (Sigh)..Maybe. Were talking about it." And now we are
doing it with homosexuals. "Hey can we have the right, please, to see our loved ones when
they are dying in the hospital?" "No!" "Can we have the same freedoms that all other married
couples have?" "No!" "Please?" "Maybe. Were discussing it." Do we have to really discuss
justice and equality over and over? Why do we remain the most brilliant species technologically,
yet the stupidest one when it comes to ethics? We're on par with parasites.
All we do is
oppress, harm, and torture, and murder somebody else who doesn't look and act like everybody
else in the majority. We need to focus on our behavior. This is unnatural. This is a
This is the biggest holocaust that has ever existed. The worst form of slavery
that has ever existed. Number one business on the planet by the way, since the beginning
of time, animal slavery. Which is why this has been going on the longest.
And if you
ever wonder why we cant get along with each other? You know we have practiced all
the atrocities on the animals first? Thats why we are experts at killing each other,
harming each other, oppressing each other, exploiting each other. We tested it out on
the animals first, became masters at this. Speciesism, being a speciesist, this is the
root of all hatred on this planet. The root of all evil.
First form of hatred human beings
are taught, kill the animal. Animal didn't count. Or depending on which part of the world
you are in, certain animals count. In America, the western world, hey dogs and cats are precious.
But screw those cows, fuck those chickens, screw those turkeys. Kill em. Cut their
beaks off. Kill em while theyre still alive.
Those lobsters? Boil them alive. We
do some pretty horrible things just for a sandwich. Question: In the vegan argument, is the suffering
of plants not acknowledged? Gary: No it is not, because it is ridiculous
argument. If I came in here by the way and talked about the broccoli holocaust how long
would I be allowed to speak? 5 Seconds, 8 seconds? Its a really ridiculous argument.
By the way my best friend since when I was 8 years old is still a non-vegan and when
he asked me, man, so what kind of arguments did they use this time? I said "well they
called me a carrot killer in this town and a mushroom murderer." And he is forever embarrassed
as a meat eater, when people say the carrot stuff.
But let me explain this in a couple
of ways. Number one, I think everybody should know a word, and if you dont, here's a
new word for you. It's called sentient, S. E N T I E N T.
It can also be pronounced sentient.
Thats having a central nervous system connected to a brain, connected to your heart, your
liver, your lungs that means you feel pain, you experience joy and happiness. Animals
and humans are sentient beings. Carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, these are insentient beings. Incapable
of suffering whatsoever.
But a couple of things I want you to think about. We talked about
this during the speech. 50% Of all the crops on this planet are set aside as animal feed.
So if we truly were concerned about plants, we would destroy a lot less plants if we ate
them directly instead of growing them all, destroying all this land, to feed them to
the 150 billion land animals on this planet every year. You know I've got a quote on my
website from a group called The Council for Science and Technology.
And they stated in
the 90's, this shocked the vegan world by the way. This is a group of animal agriculture
people, they said "with all the crop land in America alone, we could feed the planet
twice over. But there has to be one stipulation, everyone would have to be vegans." This is
how much less land and less plants we can destroy if we just ate the stuff directly.
And since we are herbivores, and I know this probably shocks people, everybody thinks we're
omnivores and carnivores, there is nothing omnivorous, carnivorous about us in anyway
whatsoever. As herbivores we need to eat what we were meant to eat unless you guys know
how to become breatharian, let me know and we can live off the oxygen.
But you need to
eat what you were meant to eat. And real quickly about humans being herbivores, if your lower
jaw goes from side to side in a grinding chewing motion like this, 100% herbivore. If you were
an omnivore or a carnivore, your jaws can only go like this, up and down. Vertically
rip and swallow.
If you have a dog or cat at home, watch them eat. There is no chewing
and grinding. If you sweat through your pores on a hot day, youre 100% herbivore. If
you are a carnivore or an omnivore you would pant to cool yourself down.
No claws on the
human hand. Claws are a trademark of the carnivore and the omnivore. The length of our intestines
are somewhere between 7 to 13 times the length of our torso. Its a very long intestinal
The same length of all herbivore animal intestines on this planet. The length of the
intestines on real meat eaters, lions, hyenas, jaguars, only 3 to 6 times the length of their
torso. And I used to make a challenge back in the day, Brandon probably remembers this,
that if you really think humans are naturally meat eaters, find a 2 year old child, put
that child in a crib with a bunny rabbit and an apple. If the child eats the bunny rabbit
and plays with the apple, sent me an email, I will buy you a brand new car with a leather
And Ill buy you a steak sandwich too. Hey we have zero carnivorous instincts,
zero omnivorous instincts whatsoever when we are young, when we are born, when we are
growing up. And about the plant thing, one more thing. I just put this on my website
by the way.
Its coming around again, I. Noticed in the last 11 years of lecturing
certain topics are hot for the public right now. All of a sudden the last year everyone
is bringing up the plant argument again. Somebody must have said something on the radio, "the
plants are suffering and the plants are feeling pain." Heres something interesting, how
come in the history of human kind, not one firefighter has ever ran into a house to rescue
the plants? And dont say it's discriminatory because animals are the most discriminated
species on this planet, and there's still a protocol for rescuing them.
Now it's humans
first of course, you get in the house and theres people in there, lets go save
the humans. And then if they come back out and are like "hey wait my dog is in there,
my dog!" Ok its safe to go in, and you've seen the pictures of big hulking fire fighters
coming out with a little puppy with a litte oxygen mask Aw thats sweet. Even
if it was safe for a third time to go back in, no fire fighter is going to say, Hey
Im going to get the chrysanthemums! Im going to get the rhododendron! I'm going to get the tomato and the basil plants! Quick, somebody get my plants! Listen I
want to be fair, I like plants, I do. I've got 5 at home, actually I've got more than
that, I've got 5 succulents and 3 cacti at home.
I dig them. I watch them all the time.
Its a little forest I've got right on my counter. Hey but when my plants die and they've
died over the years, you know what I do? Take them out of the bowl, and throw them outside.
My dog Rex passed away January 24, 2004. Still know the day.
My father passed away October
29, 2009, still know the day. I think about them every single day. Never think about my
old succulents and the cactus that I once had. Completely different life forms.
check out my website, if you go to the all about veganism section, I have a section entitled
The Insipid Killing Plants Argument. Question: I was going to say so are you okay
with people then, feeding their household animals meat? Or do you recommend a vegan
diet for them? Gary: I recommend a vegan diet but I want
to be clear about this, Im not here to turn your dogs and cats into vegans. That's
not why I travel the country seven and a half months a year, and its not why I've been
arrested 13 times and kicked out of five countries to convert dogs and cats into vegans. But
if you change your life, it's not a bad idea to change the life of somebody else you truly
care about.
Rex by the way who passed away when he was 15, he was a vegan the last 9
years of his life when I found him, just like his daddy. And he was super healthy. 15 Is
a nice ripe old age. In fact if you go to my website in the dog and cats section, the
worlds oldest dog by the Guinness Book of World Records, a 27 year old vegan dog
from birth.
Its great for them and its great for us too. Now here's why it's so great
for them. That commercial dog food we feed them, and all of it, I dont care what they're
saying about, "it's natural." Its garbage. Its literally garbage.
It's meat thats
not fit for human consumption. It's recalled meat, E.Coli, salmonella. Recalled vegetable,
E.Coli, salmonella. The last place you can sell something to that nobody wants to eat
as a human, sell it to the pet food people.
So this is why it's always better for them.
Now dogs are pretty easy to turn into vegans. In fact I rescued a dog over the summer, Doyle.
He is a 10 year old lab, 85 lbs. You guys know bigger dogs have hip problems, dysplasia.
When we got him, he couldn't jump on the bed, and he couldn't jump around outside. He wanted
to play, he always loved to play fetch they told us.
We took him outside and his old legs
hurt. Less than one year, guess whos jumping around like a bunny rabbit on a vegan diet?
Guess whos jumping up on the bed whenever he wants to? It's healing him, and it heals
us too. You want to eradicate the majority of all diseases? And listen we've got enough
stress in life. Everyones stressed out right? We have enough problems going on, enough
sugar and empty carbohydrates coming into our bodies.
Why compound your problem, your
risk for disease by shoving things down your throat that dont belong there? Meat, cheese,
milk and eggs does not belong in our bodies..
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